97 research outputs found

    Image compression based on 2D Discrete Fourier Transform and matrix minimization algorithm

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    In the present era of the internet and multimedia, image compression techniques are essential to improve image and video performance in terms of storage space, network bandwidth usage, and secure transmission. A number of image compression methods are available with largely differing compression ratios and coding complexity. In this paper we propose a new method for compressing high-resolution images based on the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and Matrix Minimization (MM) algorithm. The method consists of transforming an image by DFT yielding the real and imaginary components. A quantization process is applied to both components independently aiming at increasing the number of high frequency coefficients. The real component matrix is separated into Low Frequency Coefficients (LFC) and High Frequency Coefficients (HFC). Finally, the MM algorithm followed by arithmetic coding is applied to the LFC and HFC matrices. The decompression algorithm decodes the data in reverse order. A sequential search algorithm is used to decode the data from the MM matrix. Thereafter, all decoded LFC and HFC values are combined into one matrix followed by the inverse DFT. Results demonstrate that the proposed method yields high compression ratios over 98% for structured light images with good image reconstruction. Moreover, it is shown that the proposed method compares favorably with the JPEG technique based on compression ratios and image quality

    Joint image encryption and compression schemes based on hexa-coding

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    This research proposes a new image compression and encryption method depend on a modified JPEG technique combined with the Hexa-Coding algorithm. The compression algorithm starts by dividing an image into 8x8 blocks, then DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform) is applied to all blocks independently followed by uniform quantization. Additionally, the size of blocks is reduced by eliminating insignificant coefficients, and then Arithmetic coding is applied to compress residual coefficients. Finally, Hexa-encoding is applied to the compressed data to further reduce compression size as well as provide encryption. The encryption is accomplished based on five different random keys. The decompression uses a searching method called FMSA (Fast Matching Search Algorithm) which is used for decoding the previously compressed data, followed by Arithmetic decoding) to retrieve residual coefficients. These residuals are padded with zeros to rebuild the original 8x8 blocks. Finally, inverse DCT is applied to reconstruct approximately the original image. The experimental results showed that our proposed image compression and decompression has achieved up to 99% compression ratio while maintaining high visual image quality compared with the JPEG technique

    Low energy consumption in manet network

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    The aim of this paper is design and develop energy efficient MANET network in wireless networks. One of the most significant and effective protocol based on low energy consumption and number of Ad-hoc is MANET as remote directing convention source nodes forward in network simulator. Less number of nodes in the network would give low energy usage or consumption as the nodes in the network exceeds or increases that will also increase the energy consumption in the network. The designed MANET system is tried with 9, 12, 15 and 18 number of nodes in a system using network simulation-2 (NS-2). Henceforth source node needs to restart over and over which brings about low energy consumption use and use, ectiveness is less and packet space is additionally less and throughput is likewise less and more start to finish delay. Arrangement of this issue in MANET convention which is advanced as the node doesn't advance when demand arrived at their first it checked there is low energy consumption (battery lifetime) and until the node energy consumption is more noteworthy than the limit. Designed MANET examinations of the energy consumption and node energy consumption by maintaining a strategic distance from the low number of nodes in a network. By contrasting energy consumption and node it demonstrates that MANET is far superior to existing framework 802.11 protocol convention based on battery lifetime, energy consumption, throughput, and power transmission. We have performed a comparison between EEM and AODV routing protocol considering different measuring parameters

    Quadtree partitioning scheme of color image based

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    Image segmentation is an essential complementary process in digital image processing and computer vision, but mostly utilizes simple segmentation techniques, such as fixed partitioning scheme and global thresholding techniques due to their simplicity and popularity, in spite of their inefficiency. This paper introduces a new split-merge segmentation process for a quadtree scheme of colour images, based on exploiting the spatial and spectral information embedded within the bands and between bands, respectively. The results show that this technique is efficient in terms of quality of segmentation and time, which can be used in standard techniques as alternative to a fixed partitioning scheme

    Fabrication of PVC Enrofloxacin-Selective Electrodes for Estimating Enrofloxacin in Pure Form and as Preparation Formula:

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    أوجدت هذه الدراسة تطورا" لخصائص الاستجابة الكهروكيميائية للأقطاب الكهربائية الانتقائية للإينروفلوكساسين باستخدام الراسب والمعتمد على إنتاج الفوسفوتونجستيك ,بعد أستخدام مزيج من البولي فاينيل هيدروكلورايد (PVC) وداي بيوتيل فثاليت أوداي بيوتيل فوسفيت كمواد ملدنة. كانت أغشية المتحسسات الناتجة عبارة عن قطب كهربائي إنروفلوكساسين-فوسفوتونجستيك (متحسس1) ENR-DBPH-PTAوالقطب (متحسس2) .ENR-DOP-PTA  الاستجابات الخطية لأقطاب (ENR-DBPH-PTA)  و(ENR-DOP-PTA)  كانت ضمن المديات التركيزية 2.1×10-6- 10-1 و3.0×10-6- 10-2مول .لتر-1على التوالي, والتي تم ملاحظتها لكلا المتحسسين. الانحدارات كانت 0.24±51.61 و39.40±0.16  ملي فولت/حقبة.  ومديات الدالة الحامضية مساوية الى   8.5-2.5و2.0-9.0 التي لوحظت للمتحسسات 1و2 ,على التوالي. أظهرت أجهزة الاستشعار التي تم إنشاؤها معاملات انتقائية هائلة لعقار ENR.كما أظهرت أجهزة الاستشعار المقترحة خصائص علمية مفيدة لتقدير ENR في جرعة الدواء والشكل النقي.This study explored the development and qualities of the response of electrochemical properties of enrofloxacin-selective electrodes using precipitation based on producing phosphotungstic, after utilizing a matrix of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and dibutyl phthalate or dibutyl phosphate as a plasticizer. The resulting membrane sensors were an enrofloxacin-phosphotungstic electrode (sensors 1) and an ENR-DOP-PTA electrode (sensors 2). Linear responses of (ENR-DBPH-PTA) and (ENR-DOP-PTA) within the concentration ranges of 2.1×10-6-10-1 and 3.0×10-6-10-2 mol. L-1, respectively, for both sensors were observed. Slopes of 51.61±0.24 and 39.40± 0.16 mV/decade and pH ranges equal to 2.5-8.5 and 2.0-9.0 were observed for sensors 1 and 2, respectively. The coefficients of selectivity of the created sensors demonstrated phenomenal selectivity for ENR. The proposed sensors showed useful scientific properties for the assurance of ENR in drug dosage and pure form

    Quantitative Implementation of Acoustic Impedance Inversion to Porosity and Lithology Prediction of Clastic Reservoir, Luhais Oil Field, Southern Iraq

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    In the present study, some of petrophysical properties of Nuhr Umr Formation in Luhais oil field (south of Iraq) are evaluated by using an acoustic impedance inversion process. 2D seismic reflection data of (29) lines covering the field, neutron porosity logs, and synthetic acoustic impedance logs were used in inversion of seismic sections into an acoustic impedance and porosity sections. To compensate the low frequency in relative acoustic impedance that rely on seismic data frequency (band-limit frequency), we inverted relative acoustic impedance with combination the low frequency of well data to obtain absolute acoustic impedance. The absolute acoustic impedance shows consistency and good tie with an acoustic impedance log. At the reservoir interval the lithology was discriminate and evaluate the facies quality of Nahr-Umr Formation using absolute acoustic impedance inversion and subdivided into three main members. The shale facies indicate high porosity (25%) corresponding to low acoustic impedance (6500 Kpa. m/s) at the top of the reservoir. The petrophysical analysis declare and confirm higher quality reservoir is noticed and recognized in the middle member of Nahr-Umr reservoir. Keywords: seismic inversion, porosity prediction, Absolute Acoustic impedanc

    Effect of diet on the quality and quantity of venom produced by Apis cerana

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    The bee venom samples from honey bee (Apis cerana) foraged on seven plants dominating seven sites in Malaysia were collected. The protein content of the pollen loads of these test plants were tested according to the method of Kjeldahl (AOAC 1990). The samples were analysed to determine the effects of diet type on the quantity and quality of its constituents – melittin, phospholipase A2 and apamin using HPLC. The highest melittin (677.86μg/ml), phospholipase (477.96 μg/ml) and apamin (136.10 μg/ml) content were recorded in venom collected from honey bee colonies foraged on Durian plant which has protein content (31.7%) of its pollen loads. A positive correlation was recorded between the protein content with melittin (R2= 0.9372), phospholipase A2 (R2= 0.7208) and apamin (R2=0.4128), while a negative correlation was observed between the protein content and the weight of the venom mount produced (R2= -0.7549). A direct relationship was observed between the quality of the venom and the protein content of pollen loads, while the quantity of the venom was not in accordance with the venom quality

    Investigating the Role of Metoclopramide and Hyoscine-N-Butyl Bromide in Colon Motility

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    Metoclopramide is a treatment for gastroenteritis accompanied by vomiting. Hyoscine-n-butyl bromide as an anticholinergic agent causes inhibition of the acetylcholine (Ach) by acting on muscarinic receptors. The study aims to ascertain how metoclopramide affects Ach-induced cortical motility and also investigates the effects of metoclopramide alone and in combination with hyoscine-n-butyl bromide drug effects on colon motility. In this study, 1 cm of colon tissue width was cut, 2 cm long strips were made, and both sides of the tissue were secured with surgical silk at both ends of isolated bath tissues of isolated organs with (1g) tension to the suspended instrument that recorded isometric contractions. Tissue fixation is followed by drug addiction: Ach, metoclopramide, and hyoscine-N-butyl bromide. The tissue was treated with metoclopramide and hyoscine-n-butyl bromide and excess Caine for 10 min. The results show changes in colon frequency, peak-to-peak, and amplitude levels for metoclopramide, hyoscine-N-butyl, and metoclopramide and hyoscine. Apaired T-test statistically analyzes the results. Metoclopramide by itself, as well as in combination with hyoscine-n-butyl bromide, increases colon motility and induces Ach release. In addition, an analysis of the physicochemical characteristics of hyoscine-n-butyl bromide and metoclopramide molecules is conducted. The study includes theoretical calculations of electronic parameters for both protonated and unprotonated forms of these molecules in both gaseous and aqueous environments. These results show the potential use of metoclopramide as a therapeutic option for gastroenteritis with vomiting, warranting additional study, and clinical evaluation. The research also reveals hyoscine-n-butyl bromide and metoclopramide’s molecular features by their physicochemical properties

    Paternity Cases Within a Medicolegal Context: a Case Study of Heteropaternal Superfecundation in Iraq

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    A case of paternity was referred to the Medical-Legal Directorate( MLD)/ Baghdad in August 2011 .The family who were concerned was the  Father (41 years old ) ,mother (23 years old) and 2 sons non identical twin (1.5year old) . Paternity test includes Conventional Blood Group Markers, DNA and Y chromosome STR Typing were investigated . The DNA and Y chromosome STR Typing were tested  for the referred trios father and twins first , the results revealed an absolute exclusion of fatherhood relationship to both . , surprisingly the Y Chromosomeprofiles  revealed obviously that the two non identical twins were from different fathers or paternal descent. Maternity test was ought to be examined  for the assumed mother to rule out the possibility of switch of both babies in the hospital during their delivery and to prove their brotherhood relationship from mother side. The mother was referred and maternity was confirmed later using DNA Typing . Combined Maternity Index (CPI) was calculated for twins ,The probability of Maternity were 99.98% and 99.95% for the1st and 2nd twin respectively. Key words : hetero paternal Superfecundation ,Non Identical twin,DNA Typing ,Y Chromosome STR Polymorphysi

    Quick sequential search algorithm used to decode high-frequency matrices

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    This research proposes a data encoding and decoding method based on the Matrix Minimization algorithm. This algorithm is applied to high-frequency coefficients for compression/encoding. The algorithm starts by converting every three coefficients to a single value; this is accomplished based on three different keys. The decoding/decompression uses a search method called QSS (Quick Sequential Search) Decoding Algorithm presented in this research based on the sequential search to recover the exact coefficients. In the next step, the decoded data are saved in an auxiliary array. The basic idea behind the auxiliary array is to save all possible decoded coefficients; this is because another algorithm, such as conventional sequential search, could retrieve encoded/compressed data independently from the proposed algorithm. The experimental results showed that our proposed decoding algorithm retrieves original data faster than conventional sequential search algorithms